Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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  • How can you fix my cracked or chipped tooth?

    A tooth that has sustained damage might seem like no big deal, but it can become problematic very quickly if ignored. We need to see you so that we can restore your tooth back to its original function and beauty. We most often do this with a dental crown. The crown will seal the tooth so that it remains free of infection and will remain strong for many years to come.

    Restorative Dentistry

  • Can You See Me in a Dental Emergency?

    We can usually see you on the same day of a dental emergency, thanks to our extended hours. Unlike some dentists, we’re even available to see you on Fridays and Saturdays. With multiple doctors, we’re able to leave room in our schedule for emergencies every day.

    Dental Emergencies

  • Do You Treat Sleep Apnea?

    Yes! We’ll review your medical history and symptoms with you, then help arrange a study at a sleep center if needed. If you get a sleep apnea diagnosis, we’ll help you determine which treatment option is best for you. We can fit you for a custom oral appliance that keeps your airway clear as you slumber. Many people find oral appliances more convenient and comfortable to use than a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine.

    Sleep Apnea

  • Can I Get Orthodontic Treatment?

    One of our doctors is an orthodontist who can create an orthodontics treatment plan for any age, from children to adults. In addition to treatment with traditional metal braces, we offer Invisalign, which straightens your teeth with a series of clear plastic aligners instead of metal wires and brackets.

    Orthodontic Services

  • Can I Get Dental Implants?

    Not everyone is a candidate for dental implants, but many people are. Our dentists will use advanced technology like 3D imaging to quickly determine whether you have a strong enough jaw for dental implants. But you may still have options even if we determine your jaw won’t support full-sized implants. We can perform a bone graft to strengthen your jaw, or we may be able to use mini dental implants, which are smaller than their full-sized counterparts.

    Dental Implants

  • Do You Offer a Dental Membership Plan?

    Yes, we absolutely do! We offer plans for singles and families so that you can get the coverage that best fits your household. Our plans provide routine care as well as discounts on all of your additional treatment received here in our office. To learn more about this fantastic offer, give us a call at 508-222-2510.

    Dental Membership Plan

  • What Can You Do To Improve My Smile?

    We offer a wide variety of cosmetic dentistry solutions to give you a smile you’ll love to show. For a whiter smile, choose from an office visit or whiten in the privacy of your own home. Small imperfections will disappear with tooth bonding, while dental veneers will completely transform your smile. For those who also want straight teeth, we have both traditional metal braces and clear aligners solutions.

    Cosmetic Dentistry