How Long Do Braces Take to Straighten Teeth?

How Long Do Braces Take to Straighten Teeth?


Braces are the most common orthodontic treatment. They are capable of correcting the vast majority of orthodontic problems that patients face without surgery. Braces can alleviate crowding, close gaps, straighten teeth, and correct misaligned bite patterns. 

If you’re considering braces for yourself or your child, you probably have some questions about them. One commonly asked question is, how long do braces take to straighten teeth? Here’s how long you can expect treatment with braces to take. 

What Are Braces and How Do They Work?

Braces consist of brackets that attach to the front side of each tooth and an archwire that connects them. Brackets are small, square-shaped pieces of metal or ceramic. The archwire is made of metal and stretches across all of the brackets. 

Braces exert force on the teeth to push and pull them into proper alignment. The teeth are shifted forward, backward, upward, downward, left, right, and even rotated. Through the process the shape of the jaw may even change. The end result is fully aligned teeth that meet together properly when you chew. 

Average Length of Braces Treatment 

Most patients will need to wear braces somewhere between 1 and 3 years to achieve the desired results. Active treatment time begins when the braces are put on and ends when the braces are removed. After the braces are removed there is a retention period. 

Factors That Affect the Length of Time in Braces 

How long individual braces treatment time takes depends on a variety of factors: 

  • The extent of your orthodontic needs. Everyone’s case is different. The extent of your orthodontic problems that need to be corrected will affect the length of your treatment. The further your teeth need to be shifted to achieve proper alignment, the longer your treatment will take. 
  • Your age. The ideal time for braces treatment is during adolescence, between the ages of 10-14. This is because by this age you have most of your permanent teeth in place. You also experience significant growth spurts that can make it easier for your teeth to be shifted and your jaw to be reshaped. Adult braces treatment often takes longer because the teeth are set in place and more difficult to move. 
  • Following your orthodontist’s instructions. During braces treatment you will be given instructions about taking care of your braces and wearing rubber bands. If you avoid the foods that can damage or bend your braces and wear your rubber bands as instructed, your treatment will stay on schedule and you can avoid delays. 
  • Oral hygiene habits. It is important to keep your teeth clean during your treatment. Braces trap food and plaque that can cause tooth decay and gum disease. If your teeth are showing signs of decay or if you develop gum disease as a result of your braces, you may need to have them removed to take better care of your teeth. You will then have to start over at a later date. 
  • Keeping on schedule with appointments. Another important part of keeping your braces treatment on schedule is to go to your appointments and avoid rescheduling. Appointments are for monitoring and making adjustments to your braces that will help you achieve the desired results. 

Where Should I Go For Braces?

When it comes time for orthodontic treatment, Attleboro Family Dental Care provides this service along with our other dental services. We believe that dental and orthodontic treatment work best when provided together. We can monitor children as they grow and develop and provide treatment at the appropriate time. 

Call 508-222-2510 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.