Treat Yourself To Teeth Whitening That Works


Today we’d like to invite you to consider coming in for a smile makeover in Attleboro, MA. One great way to test the waters of cosmetic dentistry is with a professional teeth whitening treatment that can really enhance your smile, and give your confidence a big boost in the process. Keep reading to hear more about our whitening opportunities, and then give us a call at 508-222-2510 to request your consultation appointment at Attleboro Family Dental Care in Attleboro, MA.

How Did It Come To This?

Everyone’s situation is unique. Fortunately, our teeth whitening treatments can be adjusted depending on the underlying cause of the discoloration. Some of the most common reasons your teeth become stained and dingy are: poor oral hygiene routine, advanced age, use of prescription medications, daily intake of coffee, tea or wine, and smoking. Regardless of what got you to this point, it can be embarrassing to continue on this way, especially when you go out in public places with friends, family, co-workers and such. The good news is that a dentist can help you reverse the effects of staining.

Why Do I Need The Dentist?

There are likely tons of so-called whitening solutions at the grocery store nearest you. However, those will only be a waste of your time and money in the end. The kits you buy at the store won’t ever get the job done, and they might cause some real damage to your soft tissues in the process. But you won’t have to worry about that here because we use Zoom!, one of the most trusted whitening programs that only dentists can provide. 

We provide custom-built mouth trays so you can better protect your gums from harm. That is to say, the whitening solution won’t spill out of the trays and onto your gums like it can with those one-size-fits-all trays you get at the drugstore. What’s more, the concentration of whitening agents in our Zoom! treatments are far more powerful. And, you will have a team of trained professionals guiding the process, instead of trying to figure it out on your own

You Make The Call!

As you can see, working with the pros will get you the bright white results you desire for your smile. If you are ready to take your smile back to a more pristine state, we’re ready for you. Call our Attleboro, MA dental office today at 508-222-2510 or fill out our online form to request an appointment. We’ll take it from there!

The post Treat Yourself To Teeth Whitening That Works appeared first on Dr. Hikmat Hannawi v2.